Lisa + Shoney : Married Thursday, September 25, 2008 | 0
Photographers: Thurston* and Mariae*
Venue: Villa Antonia
It's been a long time since I've posted a wedding. A lot has been going on and I thought it was time for me to play some catch up on blogging weddings and what nots! I'm not sure that I remember too much of the last few weddings/shoots - my brain is fried...but I do know a few things..........Lisa and Shoney wedding was crazy hot and fun! If you remember, Lisa is from the East Coast and has a crazy fear of all bugs...which is why she decided to do a Villa Antonia wedding during the summer - outdoors! HA HA HA. :) Plus, it just rained before the ceremony started. The humidity settled in...and it was probably the hottest outdoor ceremony we ever shot. I'm sure her East Coast guests were loving the weather. :) Anyways, stalkers............view their pics....I know Lisa, Shoney and all their friends have been stalking this blog for pics for a month now. (By the way, can I say that I didn't realize I had so many East Coast stalkers until their wedding??!!! That's awesome! Umm....quick FYI: I'm available for sessions/weddings on the East Coast! :oP)

Isn't she lovely? :) I love that so many brides are doing the beautiful mantilla lace veils now. :)

Outside on the back patio of the venue. :) It had just rained, so we got lucky with the layers of clouds that lingered in the area.

So, stalkers, I forgot to introduce to you..............Lisa and Shoney. :) He's lucky. :)

The beautiful Villa Antonia ceremony site. I love shooting out there. Plus, Michaja rocks!

Some more details. :)

Wait...Thurst wasn't done shooting details. :)

Lisa's father walked her down the bridge area where they connected up with her mom...

Then both her parents walked her down the aisle. :) I love that mom cried. :)

Everytime I look at this picture, Lisa's expression cracks me up! :)

Yes, this is rare to have a 15 minute ceremony with all the traditions that happened. In fact, I was told that this shouldn't even count as an Indian wedding. :)

Apparently the sari is really, really heavy. :)

Thurston's view of the ceremony. :)

This picture of the cute ring bearer isn't in order, but he's too cute not to try to fit in the blog somewhere!..........and I'll give you one of the bride and groom as well. :)

The wedding party. :)

I found some gnarly tree root or something........perfect for a Lord of the Ring type ring shot. :)

Isn't the engraving on Shoney's ring soooo interesting? Can someone tell me what it says or does it even say anything at all? (I feel like it's one of those chinese character tattoos where you think it says HOPE or DREAM, and it doesn't really say anything at all...or it just really says something lame like "Dishes.")

Love love this picture on the bridge at Villa Antonia. :)

Reception details. Their cake was amazing!!!

The first dance.

And stalkers, you aren't going to see any bouquet toss or garter toss......this is basically all they did for 4-5 hours straight. DANCE the night away!

The wedding guests!!!!

The last dance to "Daydream Believer!" I LOVE LOVE THIS SONG! :) The guests formed a huge circle around them and then at the end, they all came in for one ginormous HUG! :)

My version of their exit............

...and Thurston's version of the exit. HA HA, they look the same huh?

Lisa and Shoney, congratulations!!! :) Despite the crazy humidity, heat, guys threw an amazing party. :)
Tuscany of Garden Oaks and Bella Terraza Displaced Brides Monday, September 22, 2008 | 7
- One portrait session (choice of engagement, bridal or boudoir)
- 6 hours of wedding day photography coverage with two photographers
- All hi-resolution digital images on dvd
Donna with Paper Dolls photography is also offering one displaced bride free wedding photography coverage!!! She has additional information on her blog or you can contact me and I will get you in touch with her! Thanks Donna!!! That is soooo awesome, and I am so thrilled to see our wedding community coming together like this!
Adriana + Fernando : Engaged Friday, September 19, 2008 | 0
Stalkers (and Whitney), meet Adriana and Fernando. :)

Because of the rain, the hotel down in Fort Worth gave us permission to shoot in their lobby. :)

My favorite from the shoot. (On the picture on the right, you can see the umbrella that was OVER me, while we shot in the rain.)

Sometimes, rain is a good thing. :)

Jenny + Souket : Engaged Thursday, September 11, 2008 | 0
Stalkers, meet Souket and Jenny. They have been together for ten years now??!!! Seriously, why would Souket wait so long? Jenny's crazy hot!! :)

Just a little bit of fun around downtown in an attempt to loosen up Jenny and Souket a bit. :)

We found this cute little hidden alley with real live alley cats - just like in the Heathcliff cartoons!!

I heart store windows. :) Especially the ones with cute clothes in them. :)

Not sure where or what this place was...but totally cute. We were just strolling and came across it. :)

So, stalkers.........this was the best story ever from any of my shoots thus far. So, Souket and I was walking ahead of Jenny, and I saw this little doorway which I was trying to determine if I wanted to use for pictures. Souket thought that maybe he can slide down the railings...which is an awesome idea!!! So, we decided to go for it. Wellllllll......he miscalculated and sat himself too far in - so while he was sliding down...his pants got stuck on some of the knobs down the center.....and it ripped his rental tuxedo pants!!! He did tell me that it was fun and hoped it would be worth it. I totally think it was worth it! Look how adorable this picture is!!

A favorite image of mine.

...and some downtown street lovin' :oP.

Typically, I normally ask my couple if they smoke. As some of my past couples may know, I have an unhealthy obsession with "smoking" pictures. Well turned out that Souket did smoke. He had to smoke quite a few for me to get just a few images.......and I think I may have helped him a bit in quitting by making him smoke so many cigarettes all at once! :)

So, we had spent easily two hours walking around downtown Dallas...and decided that couple pictures were done. Jenny wanted to do some quick bridals around downtown. While we were taking these, a photographer who was shooting for D magazine asked to take pictures of us taking pictures around this area for their story! I felt so famous - sorta, but not. :oP

Love love this little area. (This almost feels like a broadway show set to me.)

And so, while I was taking bridals of Jenny, Souket and the entourage decided to go into the bar/restaurant right where we were shooting for a couple of drinks - and to get Thurston drunk. While they were drinking it up, I ended up talking to this waiter and asked him if we could shoot inside. He didn't think it would be a problem and doublechecked with the manager - who ended up giving us carte blanche to do as we wished! (Souket told me that this was starting to get to be more his kind of shoot. :oP)

So of course, I unpacked my camera and started posing Jenny and Souket around the restaurant. I love the feel of this restaurant with the exposed brick wall and the old tiffany style lamps.

........on the bar. :)

Hmmm...can't remember if I'm allowed to blog this picture or not......but seriously, this is one of my favorite....and I bet it's one of Souket's favorites too. :oP

Monika + Quinn : Engaged Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | 0
Stalkers, meet Quinn and Monika. :) We started the shoot around the Magnolia....where we got wonderful diffused light because we shot so early in the afternoon. :)

Right next to the Magnolia was the Adolphus......and I had a great idea to hijack the place for some pictures. I've never been inside of it before, and this place was amazing! We seriously shot for maybe 2 minutes inside and then nonchalantly walked back outside. :) Yay for not getting kicked out! :) (By the way, I LOVE THIS PICTURE! Quinn just took the initiative and grabbed Monika's hand and kissed it!)!!!!

So, we found this lovely little gem of a rooftop by me having this great idea of sneaking into this private garage reserved for the condo units there. (Yes, there's a lot of sneaking around during my sessions!) Turns out that there's an amazing view up worth all the imagined risks we were taking. :oP

Afterwards, Quinn and Monika kidnapped us to this beautiful location around the museum area. I love that they decided to pay a little homage to her culture and heritage with their change of outfits. :)

Finishing off the post with one of my favorite moments from the session!